Business Credit Reports
Checking business credit histories, incorporation information & more to help protect your company.

Business Credit Reports
Business Credit Reports can help you answer the following questions: Can you trust your commercial tenant to pay rent on time? Will your new customer make their payments promptly, or will they force you to file judgements against them to pursue their past due balances? A business credit report can save you the hassle of dealing with an irresponsible business, providing you with a full understanding of a company’s financial history.
Business Screening Options
We provide two options for detailed Experian™ business credit reports – allowing you to choose the report that is more suited to your business needs.
Commercial Intelliscore
This easy-to-read, one page business credit report features a credit risk score ranging from 1 (low risk) to 5 (high risk), ranked against other businesses within the same field. The Commercial Intelliscore is our most popular business credit report for companies or individuals who need to make a quick decision. The following factors influence the credit risk score on a Commercial Intelliscore report:
Payment history & current payment status of trade lines
Collections accounts
Bankruptcies related to this business
Judgements filed against this business
Credit utilization
Length of business credit history
After the score, this report lists the major factors that influenced a company’s risk classification. Also providing a short financial summary of the business, the Commercial Intelliscore serves as an effective prediction of the likelihood of serious credit delinquencies for a business within the next 12 months.
Business Profile Report
The Business Profile is a detailed, in-depth report which gives a current and objective overview of a company’s ability and willingness to pay. A Business Profile includes the following:
Executive Summary of legal filings and collections and trade information, including:
- Bankruptcy Records
- Tax lien records
- Judgement Filings
- Total Collections
- Monetary sum of legal filings
- UCC filing reports
- Analysis of cautionary UCC filings
- Monthly average DBT (Days Beyond Terms)
- Highest DBT
- Total continuous trades
- Trade balances
- Highest credit amount extended
Graphs of DBT trends
Detailed trade payment information
Additional payment information, including:
- Monthly & quarterly payment trends
- Additional payment experiences
Company background information, including:
- Corporate registration
- Key personnel
- Operating information such as years in business, number of employees, and sales
Click on this link to view a SAMPLE Business Credit Report
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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Business Credit Reports

Contractor Background Check Reports
Run background checks on contractors before signing contracts avoiding scammers. Reports include the following:
Nationwide Criminal Background Check (for individual contractors)
Business License Search
Business Credit Reports
For more information on click on Contractor Background Check
Commercial Tenant Credit Check
Commercial Tenant Credit Reports include the above mentioned credit reports and if needed principal/business owner credit reports, for more information click on Commercial Tenant Credit Check.
NEW Customer Signup
AAA Credit Screening Services charges NO Signup Fee, No Monthly Fees & No Annual fees! You only pay for the reports you want to order. Signup is 3 easy steps and once you're signed up, you can start ordering reports online. Click on the button below to complete our online Customer Service Agreement:
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