Applicant File Disclosure

Request for Full File Disclosure:
Please Complete
& follow the steps below to get a copy of your file.
All requests for full file disclosures MUST be in writing. You may complete the attached form, or you may submit your own letter. In all cases, all the requested information must be provided.
You must submit additional documents for identity and address verification. You will need to supply one
document from each of the categories below.
Please do not mail original documents to AAA CREDIT SCREENING SERVICES. Please send legible copies of one document from each of the following categories.
- Driver License (non-expired)
- State Issued ID Card (non-expired)
- Social Security Card
- Canadian Issued Driver’s License (non-expired)
- Military Identification Card
- Passport
We will accept one of the following:(Must reference the requestor’s name and mailing address and must be dated within the preceding two months.)
- Credit Card Billing Statement
- Bank Statement
- Utility Bill
- Insurance Declaration Page (in full effect / not expired)
- Property Tax Bill
- Property Deed
- Insurance card or insurance statement
- Property Tax Receipt
Mail the completed form or your letter, along with one document from Category A and one document from
Category B to:
Attn: Full File Disclosure
Once we have received your completed full file disclosure form and verification documents, we will process your request within 30 days. The completed full file disclosure will be returned in the manner requested.
Customer Service
Call Us Monday-Friday from 8 AM - 5 PM CST
Or contact us using the button below: