Press Release / News
AAA Credit Screening Services Press Releases & Background Check and Credit Report News

Background Check Press Release
AAA Credit Screening Services strives to provide customers with the most current reports, regulations & guidelines within industry standards regarding background checks and credit reports that may affect their business decisions. Our industry trained staff is always on standby to answer questions.
NAPBS is now PBSA - Professional Background Screening Association
The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) has changed their name to Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) and customers will see changes made to the logo and links to PBSA. It is still the same organization that trains customer service representatives within the background screening industry. | ![]() | Relaunches As A Brand New Mobile-Friendly Site
AAA Credit Screening has re-launched its website as a brand-new mobile-friendly site where clients can navigate with ease and find exactly what they need at the touch of a finger-tip. We welcome clients and potential clients alike to explore this site, we hope you enjoy the new site.
Tax Liens - no longer part of Credit Reports from all Major Credit Bureaus
TransUnion one of the nationwide credit reporting agencies has announced that it will cease reporting tax lien information on it's credit reports starting the week of April 16, 2018 to meet the standards of "NCAP" - the National Consumer Assistance Plan put unto place in 2017 by the 3 major nationwide credit reporting agencies. For the complete article, click on TAX LIENS.
New QuickApp™ Ordering Feature Now Available at AAA Credit Screening Services
AAA Credit Screening Services is now offering the QuickApp™ to its existing and new customers.
Whereas clients previously had to submit orders through email or fax requests along with a signed application, AAA Credit Screening’s new QuickApp™ feature allows for landlords, employers, realtors, and creditors to submit their orders simply by entering the applicant’s name and email onto the ordering page of the existing customer web portal, or by emailing or faxing their applicant’s name and email address to AAA Credit Screening Services. An email will then be sent to the prospective tenant or employee, linking them to a web application, wherein they fill out all required information, and complete an online e-signature. All appropriate state- and employment-related disclosures are also given during this process, making the QuickApp™ fully compliant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
AAA Credit Screening’s clients will find using the QuickApp™ streamlines their screening process, as it eliminates the need to keep track of lengthy applications and disclosures solely for the purpose of background screening. Additionally, AAA Credit Screening’s clients will no longer have to worry about missing information or signatures on their applications, as the QuickApp™ will not let the applicant progress through the application without completing all required fields.
AAA Credit Screening Services, LLC has provided credit and background check services to landlords, employers, realtors, and creditors since 1996. The company is a proud member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), A+ rated business with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and is partnered with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM).
For more information on AAA Credit Screening Services’ QuickApp™ feature, Click QuicApp™ or call AAA Credit Screening Services toll-free at 281-282-0447.
AAA Credit Screening Services Now Offers Contractor Background Checks
Property owners can now obtain background checks for their contactors’ businesses and individual workers through AAA Credit Screening Services to ensure that their properties are being worked on by legitimate businesses with trustworthy employees. | ![]() |
The Contractor Special package includes a Nationwide Criminal Record Search, to ensure property owners that they have a comprehensive understanding of the individual contractor’s criminal history. The Contractor Special package also includes a Business License Search, which will verify the business’ legitimacy.
The Contractor Quick Search package allows for AAA Credit Screening’s clients to quickly and easily screen a contractor’s business. This package, which only requires a business’s name and address to run, includes a business credit report, which provides a snapshot of the business’s financial history. The Contractor Business Quick Search also includes a Business License Search.
The Contractor Special Plus+ package combines the comprehensive individual and commercial screenings of the Contractor Special and Contractor Business Quick Search packages. The Contractor Special Plus+ package includes a Business Credit Report, Nationwide Criminal Record Search, and a Business License Search.
AAA Credit Screening Services, LLC is based in Houston, Texas, and provides nationwide searches to employers, landlords, property owners, and creditors alike. AAA Credit Screening Services is a proud “Gold Star” member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS).
To learn more about this service, click on Contractor Background Checks or call 281-282-0447 for more details.
AAA Credit Screening Services Joins the National Association of Residential Property Managers
AAA Credit Screening Services has joined the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM), a group founded in October 1988 for real estate agents, brokers, managers, and their employees.
AAA Credit Screening’s Affiliate Membership with the NAPRM marks the company as a national vendor which can provide credit reports and background check products and services to the property management industry, nationally. AAA Credit Screening Services is eager to offer superior screening practices to the real estate and property management professionals belonging to the NARPM, which serves over 5,200 members. | ![]() |
AAA Credit Screening Services has provided credit reports and background checks since 1997 and is a member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS). AAA Credit Screening Services strives to provide customers with first-rate customer service and fast, accurate consumer reports.
AAA Credit Screening Joins the Society for Human Resource Management
AAA Credit Screening Services has joined the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a global organization which currently represents more than 285,000 human resource professionals in more than 165 countries. | ![]() |
About AAA Credit Screening Services, LLC.: AAA Credit Screening Services is an industry leader in employment background checks and tenant screening. Founded in Houston Texas in 1996, AAA Credit Screening Services is an A+ rated gold-star member of the Better Business Bureau and is also a member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS). Call us at 281-282-0447 for fast service.
Hurrican Harvey Hits Texas Coast
Hurricane Harvey hit Texas hard during the past week and continues to be a source of destruction as rivers and reservoirs are breached leaving people with wrecked nerves hoping that their levys will hold.
The aftermath of such a historical storm will continue on for months if not years while victims try to pick up the pieces and rebuild, but rebuild they will! It has been amazing to see how people from all over have come together to help out neighbords and complete strangers! For the complete article click on Hurricane Harvey
AAA Credit Screening Services now provides Nanny Background Checks
Houston, TX AAA Credit Screening Services is now providing Nanny background checks just in time for the summer holidays. There are always concerns when you bring someone into your home, whether it is to service your appliances, or pour some concrete, but especially when you want someone to take care of your children. These days one cannot be too careful when it comes to knowing who you are allowing into your home. Running background checks on perspective nannies or caretakers can provide you with some peace of mind when you leave your home in the rear-view mirror. | ![]() |
According to the National Children’s Alliance, close 683,000 children were victims of abuse or neglect, in 2015. 40% of those by a parent or caregiver of the child and 90% of abusers were known to the child in some way. Parents need to do what they can to help minimize the risk to their children. Background checks can’t make up for parents or family members’ actions, but they can help with caregivers that are let into their homes. Children under the age of 12 make up for 74% of victims, and the younger, the less chance of them being able to communicate or report the events to parents, so it is imperative to do due diligence before, rather than damage control after. Nanny background checks can provide you with an individual’s criminal records, which will include child abuse/neglect records IF police were involved, driving records, imperative if you have someone driving your kids around the neighborhood, social security checks, to confirm their identity and reference checks.
AAA Credit Screening services has provided credit checks and background reports since 1997 and is a member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (napbs) and strives to provide customers with excellent customer service and fast turnaround on reports.
AAA Credit Screening Services launches NEW website at
Houston, TX. AAA Credit Screening Services has launched a NEW website at enabling potential and current customers to navigate and order a wide variety of services with ease. Clean and clear links allow employers, landlords or property managers to locate the services and forms they need with just a few clicks.
AAA Credit Screening Services is dedicated to providing fast and efficient services to their customers and this new website combined with the new reporting platform TazWorks that was recently implemented allows them to continue to provide customers with the most up to date employment background checks, criminal records, credit reports and tenant screening services available.
The new website promises a positive customer experience and ease in navigation. Forecasts on future updates for this website includes a company store which would enable customers to place more orders and pay for services directly from the site.
NEW InstaScreen platform streamlines access to reporting
AAA Credit Screening implements new platform for online report retrieval.
Business Background Reports Now Offered by AAA Credit Screening Services
Premier Background Screening Company Expands Product Line to Serve Customers
Houston, TX: Today, AAA Credit Screening Services, LLC, a premier background check provider, announced that they have partnered with Experian Business Information Services to offer business credit reports. Offering comprehensive reports detailing financial stability, collection activity, and portfolio analysis for companies of all sizes continues an aggressive strategy by AAA Credit Screening Services to enhance their leadership in the background screening industry.
AAA Credit Screening Services, a closely held company with over 17 years in the background check business, announced that this expansion would further enable their clients’ ability to determine creditworthiness of potential business partners and business to business lending. Identifying fraudulent business practices and improving risk management are important examples of how AAA Credit Screening Services is aiding the business community.
AAA Credit Screening Services Now Offers D.O.T. Approved Employment Background Checks
AAA Credit Screening Services, LLC, a premier background screening provider is announcing that they have expanded their product line to include Department of Transportation approved employment background checks. The expansion includes full service employee drug testing encompassing both urine and hair sampling with a variety of ordering options.
AAA Credit Screening Recognized By NAPBS
Houston, TX- AAA Credit Screening Services LLC, a respected background screening firm, is pleased to announce that it has been accepted for membership into the National Association of Professional Background Screeners.
AAA Credit Screening Services, in business since 1997, continues to excel in the background screening industry and strives to provide employers with timely and accurate background check information as well as tenant screening for landlords.
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