Frequently Asked Questions About
Employment Background Checks

Frequently Asked Questions About Employment Background Checks
Frequently Asked Questions about Employment Background Checks may assist with some of the questions that you have about your report, but of course, feel free to call us with any additional questions that you may have.
Why is there not a score on the credit report?
Employment Credit Reports contain consumer identifiers, address information, employment information, other names used, public record information, and credit history showing how financial obligations are handled. There is not a credit score because it is illegal for a credit score to be provided for employment purposes.
Why does it take up to 3 days for an employment verification?
Employment verifications are done by phone, fax, or email and does require a response from current/previous employer. We will attempt to make contact to obtain information for at least 3 business days.
Why does the applicant have to provide current/previous employment information?
Contrary to popular belief, there is not a unified data base that contains all employment records. We are only able to verify information that the applicant supplies.
Applicant has already disclosed that they have a criminal charge from many years ago, why did it not show on report?
All criminal reports furnished by AAA Credit Screening will only show guilty offenses (Convictions) that have occurred within the last seven (7) years.
What is the difference in criminal reports?
Countywide Criminal Records
– Searches for misdemeanor or felonies in specific county courts
Statewide Criminal Records
– Searches crimes committed in specific state.
Nationwide Criminal Records
– Searches crimes committed by the applicant throughout the United States.
Federal Criminal Records
– Searches records of crimes that were prosecuted in federal court such as tax evasion, fraud, and embezzlement, mail & wire fraud and more.
Can you verify salary?
Per company policy of applicant employer, salary information may or may not be released. Often salary information cannot be disclosed over the phone, but once a signed release has been submitted to applicant employer, they can release the salary information in writing.
What information do you need from applicant to verify?
To process any request we must have the applicant's:
Full Name
Date of Birth
Current Address
Social Security Number
Signature authorizing background checks to be run.
When we are verifying employment information, we need company name and phone number at the least. Any additional information can be useful.
What if employers use third party vendors such as The Work Number, UConfirm, or Verify Advantage to verify information?
Typically, there is an additional charge for employment verification services which use third party vendors. If the employer uses services similar to the ones mentioned, AAA Credit Screening will notify our client for approval of additional charges before processing the request.
Why should I verify employment?
It is becoming increasingly common for applicants to misrepresent current & previous employment. Our employment verification services offer peace of mind in a world of uncertainty.
What if an applicant is self-employed?
If an applicant is self-employed, we are able to verify this information by running an income check verification. This report comes from the Internal Revenue Service. There is a separate charge for this report, but allows our client to confirm self-employment.
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