How far back does a Background Check go?
When ordering background checks, how far back do they go?

Background Checks - How Far Back Do They Go?
When you are looking for a criminal record check for your employee, you may be curious as to how far back these searches go. The answer may be more complicated than you would think. The variables include mostly whether or not your criminal reports are outsourced to a consumer reporting agency, such as AAA Credit Screening, what position you are hiring for, and the employment state or county.
The background checks at AAA Credit Screening go back seven years. Why seven years? Most areas have time limits for how old of a criminal record a consumer reporting agency can report; this limit is usually between seven to ten years. Having a report that goes back seven years means that you will get a full understanding of the applicant’s relevant criminal history, while also complying with federal, state, and county guidelines for consumer protection.

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